Friday, October 26, 2007

House of Prayer

Well I must say these last two weeks in the HOP have been amazing. The presence of the Lord has been so powerful and so overwhelming. I have not been as touched by the Lord so much over a short period of time since I went on my 40 day fast in 2001. I just say thank you Lord for showing up or I guess thank you Lord for letting be there with you. You are always everywhere we are. If we would just take our focus off the world and put it in you.

I LOVE YOU LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Well yesterday was my birthday and I had a great day. There where times in my life that if a friend forgot my birthday I would be devistated and wounded. I am so glad that is not the case today. Of my 10 closest friends only about 4 remembered. But that is cool because I can see growth in that I am not the least bit discouraged or disappointed. I had a gret day in the Lord and He alone knows when I was really birthed because I was birthed in His heart long before my mother or anyone else knew I even existed. That is so much cooler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

New to Me

Well I have never really done much on an online blog. But I have journaled for years. So lets see how this goes.